one click 8 | DEFINITION : A newborn baby (whether premature, post-mature or mature) is greater than the age ofpregnancy is said to be Great For The Kehamlan (LGA, LGA, Large for GestationalAge).CAUSE : The main cause of a very large baby is sustained by the mother's diabetes duringpregnancy. Sugar in the mother's blood crosses the placenta; in response to high levels of sugar, the pancreas of the fetus produces large amounts of insulin. This causes thefetus to grow very large. Increasingly poor maternal diabetes control Cosmos, the biggerthe baby to be born later.
SYMPTOMS : Size is very large baby can cause difficulties in vaginal delivery, so the greater thelikelihood of injury. Therefore, LGA babies usually have to be born through caesarean section.At birth, when the umbilical cord is cut, the sugar from the mother suddenly stoppedflowing to the fetus, but fetal insulin levels remain high. Fetal blood sugar levels will be down resulting in hypoglycemia within 1-2 hours after the baby is born. May not bevisible symptoms of hypoglycemia, or maybe the baby will look jittery, decreasedconsciousness or drowsiness, do not want to breastfeed, and even up to a seizure.
Babies born to mothers who have diabetes have fewer red blood cells is high. Thereforethey tend to have high levels of bilirubin, which causes jaundice. This situation can beresolved with phototherapy or exchange transfusion is sometimes done. Infants ofdiabetic mothers tend to have lungs that have not matured and suffered respiratorydistress syndrome, although not born prematurely.
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