
Avian Diseases, Symptoms and Prevent

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, September 20, 2012

one click 8  |  Avian Diseases, Symptoms and Prevent. Most of us are familiar with the flu / colds when the transition season began. And some of us assume the flu is a seasonal disease that is difficult to prevent the arrival. But you know what the flu and how to prevent this flu?

Flu is a disease of respiratory disease virus penyebabkan is commonly called the flu virus. Micro-organism is a virus that infects cells of the human body. Basically it has 3 influenza virus types A, B, and C. Type A and B is a virus that normally infect humans.While type C viruses rarely infect humans.
The spread of the flu virus usually through the air, sharing eating utensils and drinking, or direct contact with patients. Once a man would easily spread the infection.

Virus attached to the skin can enter the body when touching or scratching the nose and mouth. Washing your hands is very important to limit the spread of this virus. Generally after the attack, the symptoms will begin to feel on day 1 to day 4 post-infection.

What are the symptoms that arise when we are stricken with the flu virus? Usually the body will be fever, sneezing, nasal congestion and discharge, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, malaise and fatigue, sometimes accompanied by a cough and sore throat.

Symptoms of Flu

The flu can give effect to the whole body. People with the flu suddenly became a fever, tiredness, lethargy, and loss of appetite, and headache, back of hands and feet. Also suffering from a sore throat and dry cough, nausea and burning eyes. Heat can increase up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, but will decline after 2 to 3 days.

Respiratory tract symptoms, fatigue, no energy, appetite, nausea, vomiting, swelling, decreased urination, itching, shortness of breath, pale / anemic. Urinary disorders: Protein, erythrocytes, leukocytes. Lab examination abnormalities. Other: blood creatinine increased, decreased Hb, Urine: protein always positif.fasnya itself can be a cold and cough.

For children and adults, the flu is a disease that can heal itself within a week. But for people who are not healthy or decreased endurance, the flu can be fatal.

Signs of flu illness mentioned above can be very severe, and may be complications such as pneumonia, sinusitis, and inflammation in the ear. Most complications are bacterial infection because the immune system is lowered to fight the germs that enter.

Treating Flu Disease

As the disease from the virus to easily infect human characteristic sound. Treatment of the flu can be done in two ways, namely:

First, symptomatic (only to address the complaint) to rest and eat healthy nutritious food in order to enhance the immune system is weakened. In this phase the patient is recommended to take medicine early flu as a reliever when symptoms are mild.

Second, to the doctor for antibiotics. Antibiotics for secondary infections caused by bacteria overcome; when influenza is characterized by color changes from clear nasal mucus is yellow or greenish, the voice becomes hoarse and painful swallowing.

For the symptomatic treatment to relieve flu symptoms, the flu medicines should at least contain:

1. Anti-pain and anti-heat (analagetik / anti piretik) to treat symptoms of fever, headache, sore muscles and joints.
2. Reducing swelling (decongestants) for symptoms of nasal congestion
3. Anti Allergy (anti histamine) for symptoms of sneezing and itching of the
nose / throat.

Preventing the Flu Disease

Although 'only' flu, but flu is still able to disrupt the routine of work and productivity and leads to more serious diseases such as pneumonia. In fact, every year thousands of people died in hospital from complications of flu.

Well, to cut off and avoid the transmission of the disease, here are the things you should look.

Wash your hands
Wash hands including a very effective way to prevent flu transmission. Each shake hands with someone wash your hands. Better yet if you do wash your hands mempersering. By Mark Mengel, MD from Saint Louis University School of Medicine, with hand washing, germs on the hands will dissolve with water.

Keep your hand
Touching your nose or your eyes might make you sick. Because, through the places that germs usually enter.

Get enough rest is a simple way to ward off the flu. When the body is already tired, usually you will be asleep by themselves. Mengel advised to rest between 8-10 hours a night.

Injectable flu
Every person over 6 years of age can be given a flu shot. Flu injections are not always able to immediately cure the flu, but, at least he can make the symptoms become milder.

Eat healthy foods
Maybe you think eating healthy foods is rather difficult to apply every day. Though it can be started from something simple. Starting from eating fruits and vegetables that can support the immune system. This step is much better than cure flu.

Exercise to sweat. Because, according to Dr. Ann G Kulse, MD regular exercise can boost immunity

Keep your distance
When there are people around you who are being exposed to flu symptoms, like sneezing, or cough, keep your distance to minimize the risk of contracting it.

Quit smoking
In addition as the culprit of cancer, heart attacks, impotence, and interruption of pregnancy and the fetus, smoking can increase the risk of infections that cause changes in respiratory structure and reduce immunity. Smoking can kill the cilia, hair-like fibers in the body in the nose that serves to inhibit infection.

Be careful with long canned potato snack
The longer the tin packaging, it can accommodate more potato snack. However, when not quickly run out of potatoes, canned long it can actually be a media favorite flower to grow bacteria, which can make people sick who ate potatoes lately.

Use a leather wallet
In the rainy season in which flu scattered, it is better to get rid of your purse or wallet made from fabric. Because he can be a germ that causes many times you are exposed to the flu. Better to use a purse of vinyl or leather that is more easily wiped or cleaned.

No need to bite the finger
Eliminate the habit of biting the finger. Therefore, your nails is a gathering place for germs.

Recent research found that happiness is beneficial to health. Associate professor in psychology from Wilkes University Carl Charnetski, says that sex, either prejudiced, playing with pets, and all kinds of fun can boost the immune system

Sneezed in place
When you need to cough or sneeze, cover with shoulder or elbow curve. Because, sneeze with your palms sneezing increase the risk of spreading germs.

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